The Town of Peace River's Heritage Places Committee and the Peace River Museum would like to thank everyone who came out to the pancake breakfast this past Saturday. Through your support, we were able to raise over $1500 towards the preservation of heritage sites in Peace River. We would also very much like to thank the AUPE (Alberta Union of Provincial Employees) who contributed the remaining monies to make our fundraising total $2000! Through the matching funds with the Municipal Heritage Partnership Program, this translates into $4000!
To view some of the already studied historic sites, please visit: (Note: This is a large pdf and may require some time to download.)
If you know of a historically significant building or site in Peace River, please let us know using this survey:
If you have any other questions regarding this program and the work being done by the Town of Peace River, please contact the Museum at 780-624-4261 or email us at
We truly appreciate the support of our community in preserving and sharing Peace River's rich history!