Monday, November 23, 2009

Peace River Remembers, Book 2 - Submission Deadline Extended!

As many of you have probably heard, the Sir Alexander Mackenzie Historical Society is publishing "Peace River Remembers" Book 2 and is inviting anyone who has called Peace River home to submit their stories for publication. The society is also looking for those who would be willing to write stories for the various businesses, social clubs, schools, religious organizations and sports groups in Peace River. Please see for more information on what stories are needed, ideas to get you started writing your story and how to submit it once it is finished.

The original deadline for submissions of November 30, 2009 has been extended to January 15, 2010!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Remembering Our Veterans

This past Remembrance Day, the Museum created an archival exhibit to honour the veterans of our town who served. The exhibit includes copies of newspaper clippings from the wars with various details, mainly from the the World Wars. Also as part of the exhibit we have digitzed a series of World War I postcards and put together an album of these. They depict various scenes from the rubble of destroyed buildings, the exodus of civilians from threatened cities and burying of soldiers on the front lines. The postcards show in vivid detail the reality of war and its effects on our land and peoples.

One of the important projects that the Museum and Archives has been working on over the past year or so in concert with the Legion is to create a comprehensive list of the veterans from this area, past and present. We have a copy of our current list in this exhibit and would welcome additions to the list. If you have information regarding veterans or those currently serving in our forces, please contact the Museum at (780) 624-4261 or email us at